a concept established by
creutz & partners in collaboration
with maybe yes / maybe no.


rue du marché-aux-herbes

Creutz(&)Friends invites to explore a rotating plan of visionary exhibitors from various artistic realms. With each edition, the exhibition transforms into an ever-changing display of talent, showcasing the brilliance of high class artists, skilled artisans, and ingenious entrepreneurs.

From one event to the next, the gallery comes alive with a kaleidoscope of styles, mediums, and perspectives. The magic lies in the curation, as Creutz(&)Friends artfully weaves together the narratives of these dynamic exhibitors, inviting visitors to embark on a captivating artistic odyssey.

With each visit, Creutz(&)Friends promises an encounter with the unexpected, a celebration of the diverse creative possibilities, and an opportunity to witness the dynamic journey of emerging and established talents, creating an unparalleled experience in the heart of Luxembourg city.

Lib Shkupolli

On display



Lib is a multifaceted artist whose journey spans from his roots in Kosovo to his upbringing in Luxembourg.

Represented by YLA - Young Luxembourgish Artists, Lib has quickly made a name in the artistic scene with his colorful sculptural vases which are eye-catching in every space they inhabit. In his work Lib explores the intersection of art and identity, drawing inspiration from his diverse experiences. Working with materials like clay and sand, he creates forms resembling voluminous bodies. 

With his new series of work, Lib embarks on a quest to challenge preconceived notions of masculinity and evokes a fresh form of representation for the male body. Through his art, he aims to spark conversations about gender, identity, love and the power of artistic expression to redefine societal norms. Lib's bold exploration of masculinity promises to push boundaries and invite viewers to see masculinity in a new light, embracing vulnerability and complexity with grace and reverence.


lib shkupolli

WED — FRI 12PM to 6Pm


You’ve missed out on our past exhibitions?

No worries. Here are some insights about Creutz’ Friends having filled the space with their particular spirit and products over the last few months.